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Atelier des Testeurs / Salon du Test
1.07. – 29.09.2013
How can we define a space by shooting arrows with a bow? Is it possible to take more than 5 minutes to open a kitchen cabinet drawer? How to carry an exhibition on one’s head? How to interpret on the piano a score based on music listening? What equipment should we use to experiment with multiple points of view of the same work? What does it mean to test something?
Atelier des Testeurs is a space open to young artists and theoreticians where they can carry out tests, i.e. challenge intuitions, evaluate and compare skills, develop techniques and redefine forms. A test differs from an ordinary experience because it uses a specific framework, delimited by a protocol and motivated by a goal or research. Thus, a test is always performed according to specific rules and tests for something in particular.
From July to September 2013, Chalet Society organized the first session of the Atelier des Testeurs dedicated principally to the exhibition formats. Over 40 young artists investigated new possibilities of exhibition experimenting its forms, spaces, discourses and protocols. In the end of September, the Testers’ Salon presented the results of these tests – and not artworks – at Chalet Society’s Parisian home.
Jérôme Allavena – Bertille Bak & Charles-Henri Fertin – Jean-Philippe Basello – Lætitia Bech – Nicolas Boulard – Sylvain Bourget – Élodie Brémaud – Jennifer Caubet – Jean-Marc Chapoulie – Mathis Collins – Bastien Cosson – Tamara de Wehr – Lorraine Féline – Vianney Fivel & Thomas Koenig – Bastien Gallet & David Christoffel – Adrien Guillet – Romain Hamard – Nina Kennel, Romain Berger & Julien Berberat – Thomas Lannette – Anne Lise Le Gac – aalliicceelleessccaannnnee&ssoonniiaaddeerrzzyyppoollsskkii – Renaud Loda – Charlie Malgat & Louise Siffert – Caroline Mesquita – Nicolas Momein – Simon Ripoll-Hurier & Myriam Lefkowitz – Ludovic Sauvage & Hélène Garcia – Yan Tomaszewski – Pauline Toyer – Hervé Trioreau
Atelier des Testeurs is a project designed by Christophe Kihm, Arnaud and Bertrand Dezoteux.
The project was produced with the support of Groupe Galeries Lafayette.
Check our for more information.
Photos: © Laurent Edeline